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Chase away rodents with SOLTEC® sonic and ultrasonic devices

SOLTEC® V3300/V3303
Ultrasonic devices

Powerful ultrasonic devices with a very wide sonic/ultrasonic spectrum, SOLTEC® V3300/V3303 disturb rodents, because they are losing their balance and safety zone feeling and are leaving the area. The devices do not prevent the rodents from approaching, but from staying and nesting in the area. Operating radius up to 100 m²– depending on configuration of the site.

2 models are available :

  • SOLTEC® V3300 : : model with timer mode allowing 1 hour delay via integrated push button
  • SOLTEC® V3303 : model with timer mode allowing 1 hour delay via remote push button

SOLTEC® and V3303 devices are :

  • Effective & omni-directional
  • Proven thousands of signal installations and electricity substations across Europe are secured
  • Timer-delayed
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Compact

Before, during and until anti-rodent sealing work is completed, BERNATOM recommends installing sonic and ultrasonic transmitters to scare off resident rodents.