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Personal data

By browsing the www.bernatom.fr website you expressly authorise BERNATOM to use personal date as detailed below.

BERNATOM acts as a data manager. Its Head Office is located at 31 Avenue de la Paix, Rouhling (57521). It can be contacted by email (contact@bernatom.com) or phone (03 87 27 68 00).

The data management you consent to is to permit BERNATOM to send you information on commercial offers and new products and services.

The personal data collected for this purpose are first and last names, and electronic, postal and telephone contact details.

No-one outside the President and employees of BERNATOM has access to data collected in this way

Data collected will be stored for a period of 5 years, at the end of which it will be automatically destroyed.

You retain rights of access, amendment, challenge and removal. You may therefore demand at any time that the information held about you be amended, completed, clarified, updated or deleted. You also retain the right to portability of your data.

In the event of non-compliance with these provisions or with current legislation governing the protection of personal data, you may refer the matter to the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedom (CNIL); 3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334, PARIS. CEDEX 07. Tel: 01 53 73 22 22. Fax: 01 53 73 22 00.



The current website is published BERNATOM, whose Head Office is located in Rouhling (57520, France), 32 Avenue de la Paix.

It was produced by the company 57informatique, whose head office is located at BUHL-LORRAINE (57400-France), 18 rue de la Bièvre.

Publication managed by Mrs Bettina LONEY in the role of Presidente of BERNATOM.

Hosting and maintenance

Hosting : 1&1 Internet SARL - 7 place de la Gare - BP 70109 - RCS Sarreguemines B 431 303 775 - SIRET 431 303 775 000 16 - Code APE: 6201Z

Maintenance : the company 57informatique Head Office located at 18 Rue de la Bievre, 57400 BUHL-LORRAIN, France manages and maintains the website.

Photos Crédits

Pixabay – Shutterstock – Bernatom – 57informatique

All images used on this website are subject to strict user fees. 57informatique, developers of the website, cannot be held responsible for photographic content on the site, because it has been validated by Mrs Bettina LONEY, Company Presidente.

Intellectual Property

Any use of information contained on the current website is the sole responsibility of the user. Texts, visual information and illustrations (diagrams, drawings, photographs, computer animations) are provided for information only, and have no contractual property.

While every effort is made to ensure that information on the website is as accurate and up to date as possible, BERNATOM denies responsibility for any inaccuracies, misstatements, errors or omissions contained in that information.

Reproduction of any part or the whole of this site is strictly prohibited, in line with the Intellectual Property Code and all agreements containing provisions regarding copyright. This relates to all content of the site, including text, photos, images, diagrams, logos, backgrounds or any other part thereof. BERNATOM and its logo are trademarks protected by law.